Rabu, 18 Januari 2006

Kyocera 2235, Thanks For the Memories

I am thankful to have gone quite a few months without writing one my obituaries, but in the same vein as the death of KITT and Randy the rambunctious Raccoon, it is time to put my Kyocera 2235 six feet under. Well, not really six feet under because of environmental issues, but its services ceased on Wednesday as it no longer gets a signal for more than 30 seconds a day. I've made it through my 2-year Verizon contract and have been month-to-month for about a year so it's time I make the cell phone model and provider switch to Cingular. Of course, I've been putting off this switch for the last year, but this expedites things just a little.

It was so sleek, so reliable, and so good. Now it's not so sleek, not so reliable, and not so good.

On January 11, my nicknameless phone decided to stop capturing Verizon's signal and drain my battery while doing so. I've lost battery power before while it searched for a signal, but never in my office nor home where I always get all of my signal bars. A few turns on and off yielded the "searching..." message for a millisecond and then a random picture shown when you hook the phone to your computer for data. Fortunately, just before I started my drive home on the 12th, the phone didn't go to that screen, but didn't get a signal either. Despite showing 5% battery life left, I made it home in time to plug it in and type away.

You can count on this more than my phone.

Since I have an old school phone without a SIM card, I had no other choice but to record my 3 years of peeps the old fashioned way. Though this means I'll have to punch all of them into my new phone, at least I have the data. You never realize how popular you are until you have to do this. I mean, I knew I had some friends, but wow, I seem to know everyone. Ok, well we both know that those two sentences are completely false and most of my contacts were either doctors or my immediate family's numbers, but it was fun to write anyway.

"Brick Attack" was just like this, well, except for having no music, less control, and being black and white.

The 2235 was a fine "candybar" cell phone, with its keyguard preventing accidental dialing to voice recognition calling, it suited me well. I had few major complaints and made myself enjoy two of the games to pass the time. "Cavern Crawl" (I once reached the 58th cave, but never was able to use and therefore understood the point of collecting all of the objects) was a poor man's "Legend of Zelda". "Brick Attack" (personal high score of 2431 which is nothing impressive since the game really tests your ability to ignore boredom as you eventually lose turns on purpose so your high score is recorded) was a solid copy of "Breakout". Ok, this reads more like a review of the phone so let me bust out some obituary-speak.

I know I need a new phone, but forgive me, I'm just a caveman.

While this phone was replaced two times for poor audio and power issues, I enjoyed the run I had with it. The 2235 didn't act like a fool by trying to impress. It stayed true to its grayshade and blue backlit roots. It was a true original by keeping it real. From reliable signal strength to using its blue light to help my friends find me in Cole Field House, I could count on it. It had an Internet browser, but I never had any use for it. Of course, as times change, so does cell phone technology. I know my phone is old and I'm the last you'd expect not to have a cool new phone, but the jump in cell phones is pretty remarkable. I sound like a caveman lawyer, but I hear (chortle, chortle, chortle) cell phones have really improved over the last 3 years. Apparently there are cell phones with color, that take still and motion pictures, let you watch TV, and actually work. Time to overresearch my next phone.

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