Sabtu, 24 September 2005

My Best Buy Scarf, Um, I mean Receipt

With a change in my roommate arrangement this weekend, I will lose usage of the apartment's XBox. I played lots of Soul Calibur 2 and Grand Theft Auto 3 and had a few of their saved files on the hard drive. So I ventured to Best Buy and dealt with its awkward parking garage and exit system to 355 to buy an 8 MB memory card. I'll eventually buy my own XBox, but that may not occur until I finish my NHL 95 season, and who knows when that'll occur. I still have to play a little more than half the season.

After looking at electronics I don't have the money for, it was time to buy the memory card. This was pretty uneventful until my credit card was swiped and I got the receipt (which isn't pictured in the blog). After purchasing my one product, I swear the receipt was over a foot long (one blogger said his receipt was 18 inches). I know you want its specific dimensions, but you'll just have to buy a pack of gum and see how long the receipt is for your own research. The receipt contained the store's information, my product and its purchasing transaction (of course), three lines about returning and refunding products (though lots of rules were on the back a few times), and some Best Buy advertisements about their other products.

Maybe the printer's before and after settings were on steroids because of the white space, or maybe Best Buy measures a store's popularity based on the exorbitant amount of receipt paper it uses. I have no other complaints about Best Buy since I'm not a frequent customer (thanks Internet shopping!) and I don't know how the receipt compares to Circuit City's, but come on, it's like an electronic store pissing contest. Whatever the reason, just be aware that while it might be long enough, your Best Buy receipt is not a scarf or shawl.

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